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Out Killing Indians
At the end of the Civil War, federal troops were sent to the High Desert of the Far West with orders to kill any and all Native People who refused to give up their homeland and be confined to assigned reservations.
The narrator of Out Killing Indians is the son of an Indian father and white mother. He returns home to the reservation after a couple decades spent roaming America, to discover his great-grandfather was a renegade chief who fought to his death against the federal troops and the encroachment of the white race. This revelation inspires him to embrace his Indian heritage and to acknowledge the genocide of his people.
Out Killing Indians by Oregon author, Rick Steber, was chosen as the international GRAND PRIZE WINNER by the INDIE BOOK AWARD. The Indie Book Award is one of the largest and most prestigious awards in the literary industry. According to Awards Coordinator Shelly Anderson, “Out Killing Indians is very deserving of our highest award based upon the forceful story and brilliant writing. It is my personal hope this world-wide award will help promote this book, and raise awareness of the painful history that was forced upon Native Americans. Five stars.”
The Last Outlaw is the true story of Tobe Skiens, a 23-year-old Texas buckaroo, who rides into Eastern Oregon in 1906. He soon takes up the outlaw trail, stealing horses and running them across a 2,000-mile swath of desert country. This is a no-man's land that remained wild and outside the fringe of civilization long after the remainder of the country has been settled and gentrified. Tobe sells his stolen horses in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, and then turns around, steals more horses and drives them north to Oregon. Stealing horses is the most dangerous and exciting of all occupations. It is played for the highest of all possible stakes-a man's life.
The crimes Tobe is accused of quickly escalate from rustling cattle and horses to kidnapping a young girl and keeping her for more than two years-even fathering a child with her-and finally the killing of an unarmed man in a cold-blooded shootout, followed by a posse giving chase for ten long weeks. Out West here, any of these indiscretions, if a man is caught will have him dancing at the end of a short rope.
WHERE PAYMENT ENDS by Award-winning Author Rick Steber!
After selling a couple million copies of his novels and non-fiction books, popular Northwest author Rick Steber broke new ground with an innovative series of books, Western Prose & Poems. In this, his fifth release in the series, the reader will find that life becomes a lot more interesting and entertaining when we challenge ourselves to journey beyond where the pavement ends. And as you wander across the Western landscape, you are sure to return home a changed person.
Rick Steber, long considered the voice of Eastern Oregon, has over fifty titles under his belt and more than two million books in print. He has won numerous national and international awards, five of his books have been optioned for movies. He is the only Oregon author to have been presented with the prestigious Western Writers of America Spur Award – Best Western Novel. He is a keen observer of the evolving American West and articulates these changes in prose and poems that are boldly descriptive, invigorating and spectacularly creative.
Rick Steber, founder of Bonanza Publishing, speaker and the author of more than 40 books, has received national acclaim for his writing. His numerous literary awards include the Western Writers of America Spur Award for Best Western Novel, Western Heritage Award, Benjamin Franklin Award, Mid-America Publishers Award, Oregon Library Association Award and Oregon Literary Arts Award. Four of his books have been optioned to movie production companies.
In addition to his writing, Rick is an engaging Western personality and speaker. He has the unique ability to make his characters come alive as he tells a story. He has spoken at national and international conferences and banquets. He visits schools where he talks to students about the importance of education, developing reading and writing skills, and impressing upon them the value of saving our history for future generations.
Tales of the Wild West ~ A 16-volume series in book or audio form. These are proven winners with sales exceeding one million copies. Each historical book contains 50 short stories and 10 illustrations. The wide-ranging varity of titles appeals to children as well as adults.
Wild West Trivia ~ 7-volume series of travel friendly books designed to challenge and test the reader's knowledge of Western trivia. Each book will provide hours of family entertainment and they are a fun way to learn.
Biographies, Non-Fiction and Fiction ~ The wide-ranging titles written by Rick Steber have captured a host of national and international literary awards.